
Phobos at Unreal Day Belgrade

Phobos team had the opportunity to participate in the first Unreal Day Belgrade, which was held on the 27th of October 2022, in the Dorćol Platz in Belgrade, organized by Creative Tech Serbia.
October 27, 2022

First Unreal Day event in Belgrade

UNREAL DAY is intended for all those who are already part of the local Unreal Engine community, experimenting or working professionally with this tool, but also for those who would like to get involved and explore the immense possibilities and wide applications that Unreal Engine is offering.

Phobos had the opportunity to take part in first Unreal Day Belgrade event that featured various speakers from the gaming industry, including our team's founder and development lead, Ivan Koroknai.

Ivan held a lecture titled "Unreal journey: From an Idea to a New Video Game Genre" where he discussed his and the team's journey as game developers. Through his presentation, he highlighted the importance of Unreal Engine's ecosystem of features and plugins and how our team is utilizing them to optimize our work and create a unique and innovative video game.

The event was also an opportunity for us to showcase the latest teaser trailer for our upcoming game, Cloudburst. The trailer received positive feedback and anticipation from the audience, which was exciting to see.

We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in such an event and showcase our work alongside other professionals in the industry. We look forward to continuing to utilize Unreal Engine and creating high-quality virtual worlds that resonate with gamers worldwide.