
Cloudburst to receive funding from the Innovation Fund

Phobos to receive EUR 80,000 grant for production and launch of Cloudburst. Our team was chosen for the Mini Grants program to continue the development of our project.
January 18, 2022

Funding for innovative game design

Thanks to the joint investments, the Innovation Fund approved EUR 9 million for the realization of54 innovative projects. Innovative companies will use grants to develop new or improve existing products, services, or technologies.

Innovation Fund has recognized Phobos as a team with great potential and Cloudburst as an important innovative game. Through Fund's Mini Grants program, Phobos was awarded 80,000 EUR for the further development of the project.

One of the 30 chosen innovations

Along with 29 other innovative companies, Phobos was chosen for the Innovation Fund's Mini Grants program. In total, the Fund has chosen a total of 54 projects and has secured 9 million euros worth of funding.

A total of 223 applications were submitted for the announced call. Innovative projects for which funding has been approved come from various industrial areas, mostly from the field of software and ICT, mechanical engineering, and energy applications.

The project is financed by the Innovation Fund from the European Union Pre-Accession Assistance and the budget of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.